Various Residential Installations – Florida, USA
These are some examples of Vulcan installations from various homeowners in Florida, USA. Link |
Barbara and Jacques – California, USA
After purchasing the Vulcan, we immediately noticed a difference in the water consistency, which appeared softer on our skin. However, the most profound change was the lack of deposits on all the usual places:the dishes, all faucets and showerheads. What a relief! Finally we just enjoy our water system without having to replace pipes regularly or add vinegar and substances to counteract the mineral build-up. Link |
Outdoor Installation – Florida, USA
After purchasing the Vulcan, we immediately noticed a difference in the water consistency, which appeared softer on our skin. However, the most profound change was the lack of deposits on all the usual places:the dishes, all faucets and showerheads. What a relief! Finally we just enjoy our water system without having to replace pipes regularly or add vinegar and substances to counteract the mineral build-up. Link |
Rob Branson – Western Australia
I noticed a huge difference after just 1 month. The CWT system is also well priced and simple to install. Because it carefully dissolves the scale, my irrigation system is virtually maintenance free and there’s no need to change the filters. This saves me an enormous amount of time and energy. Link |
Well Water Report – Indiana, USA
About three weeks after installation, in early January, I heard water running outside. I went to the back of my home and discovered the outside faucet there running at full stream. This faucet did not work at all and now it was running at or near full flow. All because of Vulcan. Just 2 months after installing the Vulcan, I went to take a shower and I noticed the faucet was completely free of calcium and operating like new. Link |
 Before / After installation |
Mrs. Fuchs – Brieselang
The mentioned changes occured immediately after the installation: the laundry is noticeably softer even without the use of fabric softener, our skin is no longer irritated after washing; there are certainly less limescale deposits on the tiling, the taps and shower partitions. Link |
Lance Butcher – Western Australia
Within three months of installing the CWT water treatment system the iron residual and sludge disappeared. I was staggered by the results. The pipe was completely clear and there were no signs of the iron scale at all.
A reliable and clean sprinkler system is very important for us to maintain a healthy garden. The CWT system has saved me an enormous amount of time and money and I’m no longer cleaning sprinkler heads or replacing the solenoids in the reticulation system. Link |
Family Kämke – Klosterfelde
After two weeks only we noticed a significant change regarding the scale deposits in the washing basins and in the shower and await further changes. We have been testing the Vulcan for four weeks. Link |
Mrs. Hauser – Rheinhausen
The device showed effect one week after it was installed. We replaced the filters in the bath fixtures during the installation of the device and since this time they have remained free of scale, as has the shower head. Link |
Mrs. Weigt – Potsdam
With curiosity I kept an eye on the water and I was amazed to see the positive difference. I have noticed that my hair feels softer after washing it without using any additional hair cosmetics. Also the shower screen and the bathroom fixtures were easier to clean with much less cleaning agents. Link |
Family Wiechmann – Adelshofen
We have after two weeks already found many of the statements in your product description to be impressively true. The inspection of the aerator after four weeks shows no accumulation of scale, in the past it was necessary to clean it every 4-6 weeks. Link |
Mr. Hanebuth – Isernhagen
My wife is very happy with how quick it is now to clean the bath fixtures – and we have five baths after all. I am convinced, too, that the washing machine, the water heater, as well as smaller electrical appliances benefit from the device and consequently use less electricity. Link |
Mr. Hanau – Hemmingen
On the first evening after the installation I was pleasantly surprised as I drank a glass of tap water. It has since then tasted cleaner and milder. Link |